Team Heritage from Astronomy & Aero-Space

Corrective lens assemble for high resolutions camera of Moon Exploration Projects(KARI, Korea) : Barrel Design, Lens Mfg, Coating, Assemble and Testing

500mm and 1600mm large telescope systems for satellite & unknown-obj. tracking (DAPA, Korea) :

500mm Telescope design & Mfg, Installation and testing

1600mm Primary, Secondary, tertiary mirror Mfg and Testing

Three off-axis mirror systems for LSB galaxy observation(KASI, Korea)

Super-eye Bridge Project(KASI, Korea); Opto-mechanic design and SiC mirror mfg.

Visible and MWIR camera module design for air-craft(ADD, Korea)

Off-axis aluminum mirror for laser communication terminal(SODERN, France)

Off-axis aspheric mirror for Indian Satellite Project(PARAS, India)  


easy traffic

easy traffic

easy traffic

easy traffic

easy traffic

easy traffic

Manufacturing Capability in House

Optics Design S/W(CODE-V, ZEMAX)
Opto-Mechanic Modeling & Simulations S/W(SolidWorks NX Nastran)

5-Axis Ultra Precision Machining and Polishing Systems(Laser Assisted DTM, MRF)
